
ССРЗ "Обуховский"

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 Rostovskaya oblast ССРЗ "Обуховский" since ????
 Rostovskaya oblast Обуховский МСРЗ Ростоврыбхоза before ????
Адрес: Россия,Ростовская область, Азовский район, х. Обуховка, ул. Заводская, 1346742

List of vessels owned by this entity (2)
List of vessels managed by this entity (2)

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Non-propelled cargo vessels 1972 СБ-1201 Rostov-on-Don (Ростов-на-Дону)
П23-6 design 07.2008 П-23 301996 Rostov-on-Don

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