
Gebr. Kötter Schiffswerft-Sägewerk

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Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
General cargo 69 03.1977 San Marini (Fairwind I, Fairwind, Conformity, Ems-Liner) Zanzibar (Batumi, Panama, Portsmouth, Faversham, (Netherlands), Limassol, Haren/Ems)
General cargo 75 07.07.1984 Fingal (Kirsten, Anastasia, Nadja, Mari Claire) Freetown (Willemstad, Saint John's, Kingstown, Emden)
General cargo 78 01.12.1985 Scanlark (RMS Scanlark, Öland, Drochtersen) 101088 Kingstown (Limassol, Hamburg)
General cargo 82 12.1988 Josefin (Walter Hammann) 32279N Wischhafen
General cargo 83 07.12.1989 Nyving (Lore Prahm) Akrehamn (Leer)
General cargo 85 15.06.1990 Wilson Main (Pola, Heinke) Bridgetown (Saint John's, Limassol)
General cargo 88 06.1994 Selene Prahm Leer
General cargo 89 30.06.1995 Rebecca Hammann G90646 Wischhafen
General cargo 90 01.11.1996 May B (Evert Prahm) G93049 Panama (Leer)

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Tankers 2013/01 11.09.2015 Steinburg G117910 Hamburg
Tankers 1095 2019 Holstein Hamburg

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