
Schiffswerft Ewald Berninghaus

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City: Duisburg  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Passenger and cargo-passenger steamers 1896 Prinses Irene (Stadt Lauenburg, Stadt Köln, Kaiser Friederich) (Netherlands) (Lauenburg, Cologne)
Сухогрузные пароходы 780 1900 Вологда (Sperrbrecher 104, Martha, Helene Otto Ippen 10, Nordstern, W.T.A.G.32) USSR Navy (German Navy, Hamburg, (Germany))
General cargo 1925 Dione (Aviso 2, Wilhelm, Feuerberg, Wilhelm Elise) Friesoythe (Haren/Ems, Papenburg, Edingen-Neckarhausen, (Germany))
General cargo 726 1954 Catharina (Wintrans 27, Johann Winschermann) Löcknitz (Twist, Ruhrort)

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