
Greenock Dockyard & Co. Ltd

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 Greenock Greenock Dockyard & Co. Ltd since 1918
 Greenock Grangemouth & Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd 1900 — 1918
 Greenock Russell & Co. (Mid Cartsdyke) 1879 — 1900
 Greenock Robertson & Co. before 1879
В 1966 году верфь поглощена в Scotts Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Барк 115 1885 Lucipara Mariehamn (Glasgow)
Сухогрузные пароходы 169 07.1887 Нептун (Доверие, Tasso) Odessa (Rostov on Don, Glasgow)
Сухогрузные пароходы 361 03.08.1895 Dania Copenhagen

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