
Haidong Shipyard

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City: Taizhou  

Государственная судоверфь (2020г.)

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
General cargo hd08029 08.10.2008 HS Dignity (My Future, JC Future, Zhen Xi Fu Cheng) Bissau (Malakal Harbour, Panama)
Carlyna type 2015-002 04.09.2020 Malvina 15L0292 Panama
Carlyna type 2015-003 19.03.2021 Jasmina 15M0293 Panama
Carlyna type 2015-001 08.04.2021 Carlyna 15K0291 Panama
Bulkers 12.07.2023 Hong Wei Yong Qiang (China)

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