
Poshekhono-Volodarsk shipyard

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City: Пошехонье-Володарск  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Wooden bargs (all specifications) 1949 № 3 Sarapul
Wooden bargs (all specifications) 1949 № 2 Sarapul
Design 5 (деревянная, 100 т) 1951 Причал № 6 (№ 6, № 7) Sarapul
Design 5 (деревянная, 100 т) 1951 Причал № 7 (№ 7, № 8) Sarapul
Non-propelled ferries 1954 Паром № 1 (Паром № 5) Sarapul
Design 5 (деревянная, 100 т) 1956 Паром-10 (№ 10) Sarapul
Design 5 (деревянная, 100 т) 542 1957 3703 (№ 2, № 542, № 14) 042306 Sarapul
Design 5 (деревянная, 100 т) 544 1957 3704 (№ 3, № 544, № 13) 041010 Sarapul

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