
Polar Odissey Club/Center

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 Petrozavodsk Polar Odissey Club/Center since 1992
 Петрозаводск Polar Odissey Club/Center before 1992

List of vessels owned by this entity (7)
List of vessels managed by this entity (2)

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Longship 1989 Грумант Petrozavodsk (Петрозаводск)
Longship 1991 Святитель Николай (Russia)
Sailing vessels 1996 Ботик Петра I (Russia)
Бригантина 2000 Полярный Одиссей Р 54-97 ШУ Petrozavodsk
Longship 2017 Пилигрим (Russia)
Маломерные суда 07.2018 Святой Косма КА 0059 RUS 12 Mari El Republic
Longship 07.2019 Рюрик АА 0500 RUS 10 Karelia

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Sailing vessels 06.1987 Помор Karelia ((USSR))
Фрегат 1992 Святой Дух (Russia)

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