
Türkiye Gemi Sanayi - Hasköy

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 İstanbul Türkiye Gemi Sanayi - Hasköy since 1984
 İstanbul Denizcilik Bankasi - Haskoy 1955 or earlier — 1984
 İstanbul Hasköy Tersanesi before 1955 or earlier
Располагалась в районе Hasköy, Beyoğlu (Стамбул).

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Sonduren 2 type 85 23.08.1982 Söndüren 9 G-0425 İstanbul
Буксиры, толкачи - точный проект/тип не известен 88 1987 Söndüren 10 İstanbul

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