
Astillero Rio Santiago (ARS)

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City: Buenos Aires  


интегрирована в корпорацию "Astilleros y Fábricas Navales del Estado (AFNE)"

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Морские круизные и пассажирские 1962 Ciudad De Parana Buenos Aires
Bulkers 69 01.05.2000 Ekaterina (Diklo, Calanda) 970622 Valletta (Zadar, Basel, Majuro)
Bulkers 71 26.06.2003 Occitan Barsac (Novigrad, Alpina) Nassau (Zadar, Majuro)
Bulkers 074 12.09.2006 Occitan Key (Madrisa) 064317 Madeira (Nassau, Majuro)

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