
Taizhou Catic Shipbuilding Heavy Industry

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City: Taizhou  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Bulkers TK0210 25.11.2010 Conrad Oldendorff (David Schulte) G107487 Monrovia
W-Sky, проект (Китай) type TK0204 16.06.2011 W-Ace 11201450 Monrovia
W-Sky, проект (Китай) type TK0202 20.07.2011 W-Star 37956 Monrovia
General cargo TK0207 2012 Cora Oldendorff (Tonic Sea) Monrovia
Design SDARI KMAX 82 TC0103 20.05.2013 Tuo Fu 6 Hong Kong
Контейнеровозы TC0202 31.05.2013 Osaka (Cap Cortes, Osaka Strait) G116870 Madeira (Monrovia, (none))
Bulkers TC0403 26.05.2017 Hermine Oldendorff 17255170 Madeira

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