
Bollinger Shipyards-Lockport

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City: Lockport (Louisiana)  


Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Supply, anchor handling vessels 1979 Sea Hopper Sharjah
Island type 176 04.08.1986 Суми (Ocracoke) The Ukrainian Navy (US Coast Guard)
Island type 190 08.08.1988 Слов’янськ (Cushing) The Ukrainian Navy (US Coast Guard)
Island type 192 19.10.1988 Старобiльськ (Drummond) The Ukrainian Navy (US Coast Guard)
Island type 202 17.11.1989 Adak US Coast Guard
Island type 200 08.01.1990 Фастiв (Washington) The Ukrainian Navy (US Coast Guard)
Island type 205 02.07.1990 В’ячеслав Кубрак (Kiska) The Ukrainian Navy (US Coast Guard)
Island type 222 17.04.1991 Ochamchire (Jefferson Island) Coast guard of Georgia (US Coast Guard)
Island type 227 23.08.1991 Dioskuria (Staten Island) Coast guard of Georgia (US Coast Guard)
Barracuda, проект Marine Protector type 335 19.05.1999 Chinook US Coast Guard
Tugs, Pusher tugs 342 22.11.1999 Vera Bisso 1086279 New Orleans
Barracuda, проект Marine Protector type 377 14.12.2001 Pompano US Coast Guard
Tugs, Pusher tugs 410 10.09.2002 Savannah 1128392 Savannah
Protector type 444 13.11.2002 P51 (WPB87351) Valletta (US Coast Guard)
Protector type 458 07.07.2004 P52 Valletta

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