
Evergreen Heavy Industries

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City: Nagasaki  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Evergreen A, Ever Able class S-1025 19.10.1998 Uni-Aspire 983303 Panama
Evergreen A, Ever Able class S-1026 25.01.1999 UNI-Assent 990358 Panama
Evergreen A, Ever Able class S-1027 23.04.1999 Uni-Assure 991162 Panama
Моторные яхты 1020 1999 Attessa IV (Evergreen) George Town ((unknown port))
Evergreen P, Uni-Pacific class 1032 28.01.2000 Uni-Phoenix 00129540 Panama
Evergreen P, Uni-Pacific class 1038 26.03.2001 Uni-Premier 011006 Panama
Evergreen P, Uni-Pacific class 1053 23.08.2002 UGL Guangzhou (Grand Power, Ever Power, LT Power) Panama

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