
Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven

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 Wilhelmshaven Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven since 1935
 Wilhelmshaven Reichsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven 01.1924 — 1935
 Wilhelmshaven Deutsche Werke AG- Rüstringen 1919 — 01.1924
 Wilhelmshaven Industriewerke Rüstringen ca. 1910 — 1919
 Wilhelmshaven Kaiserlichen Werft Wilhelmshaven before ca. 1910

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Учебные корабли 01.11.1886 Charlotte Imperial German Navy
Magdeburg type 32 09.10.1912 Taranto (Strassburg) Italian Navy (German Navy)
Emil Kirdorf type 66 08.1922 Emil Kirdorf Hamburg
Emil Kirdorf type 67 16.12.1922 Николаев (ОВСГ-1, Alba Julia, Carl Legien) (USSR) (USSR Navy, Romanian Naval Forces, Constanta, Hamburg)
General cargo 122 08.1923 Баксовет (Исфагань) Baku (Leningrad)
General cargo 123 09.1923 Казахстан (Хамадан) (USSR) (Leningrad)
Möwe type 102 01.10.1926 Möwe German Navy
Design 1923 01.05.1927 Seeadler German Navy
Design 1923 15.05.1927 Albatros German Navy
Möwe type 107 01.08.1927 Falke German Navy
Design 1923 01.08.1928 Falke German Navy
Миноносцы и эскадренные миноносцы 01.10.1928 Iltis German Navy
Möwe type 106 15.07.1928 Kondor German Navy
Königsberg, проект (Германия) type 108 17.04.1929 Königsberg German Navy
Königsberg, проект (Германия) type 116 15.01.1930 Köln German Navy
Elbe type 119 14.11.1931 ПКЗ-119 (Терек, Elbe) USSR Navy (German Navy)
Deutschland type 123 12.11.1934 Admiral Scheer German Navy

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Гидрографические и гидрологические 101 15.11.1924 ПКЗ-34 (Экватор, Meteor) USSR Navy (German Navy)

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