
Neue Schlichting Werft GmbH

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 Lubeck Neue Schlichting Werft GmbH since 02.10.1986
 Travemunde Schlichting Werft GmbH before 02.10.1986
Основана в 1898г.
Ликвидирована в 1986г., на месте верфи сооружен пансион.
Часть мощностей отошли к новой верфи которая прекратила существование в мае 1991г.

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
General cargo 1341 24.09.1964 Stadt Wangen (Sebastian, Steinburg, Nordlicht II) Saint John's (Hamburg)
Reefers 1355 24.10.1967 Pots Express (Sweet Orange, Reefer Arca, Reefer Star, Luehesand, Luhesand) Panama (Kingstown, Limassol, Famagusta, Lubeck)
Kopalnia Sosnowiec type 1380 25.06.1974 Captain Eglio (Kopalnia Sosnowiec) Panama (Monrovia, Szczecin)
Kopalnia Sosnowiec type 1381 02.11.1974 Patmos (Captain Abdullah, Huta Zgoda) Panama (Szczecin)
Kopalnia Sosnowiec type 1382 14.03.1975 Rossa (Captain Bashar, Kopalnia Zofiówka) 110932 Panama
Kopalnia Sosnowiec type 1383 27.06.1975 Corozal (Corazal, Yucatan, Kopalnia Walbrzych) Belize City (Phnom Penh, Szczecin)
Kopalnia Sosnowiec type 1385 13.02.1976 Svyatoy Nikolay (Baska, Budowlany) Panama (Batumi, Bratislava, Valletta, Szczecin)
Research and scientific vessels 1417 31.03.1980 Fugro Gauss (Gauss) G16268 Gibraltar
Floating docks 1982 Floating Dock 1 (Busumer Dock) Rendsburg (Busum)
Lo-Ro 1464 29.09.1983 Персей (Persey, Sloman Trader, Tropic Quest, Ellensborg, St. Aquarius, Aquarius) 836828 Vostochnyy (Freetown, (unknown port), Flensburg)
Lo-Ro 1465 01.1984 Odyssey (Одиссей, Sloman Traveller, Tropic Reign, Elsborg, Tropic Reef, Sagittarius, Gitta) 836758 Alofi (Vostochnyy, Freetown, Bremen, Saint John's, Kingstown, Panama, Limassol, Flensburg)
General cargo 2015 18.06.1984 Rimeo (Jaco Merchant, Onego Challenger, Ivan Visin, Rets Timber, Tiger Cape, Cape Ray, Melfi Mexico, Bridgewater) Panama (Sarpsborg, Douglas, Limassol, Bremen)
Taba type 2011 15.02.1985 Taba Alexandria
Taba type 2012 07.06.1985 Al Hussein (Nuweiba) Alexandria
Research and scientific vessels 230 1986 Meteor G31355 Hamburg
Контейнеровозы 2035 01.05.1986 MSC Jilhan (MSC Jinhan, Капитан Куров, Contship Italy, Red Sea Europa, CGM Roussillon, Sandra K, Sea Merchant, JSS Scandinavia) G31375 Panama (Vladivostok, Nordenham)
Ferry (Ro-Pax) 2014/173 09.06.1987 Dahab (Sharm El Sheikh) Port Sudan (Alexandria)

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Wittsand type 267 01.12.1977 Канопус (Kastytis, Wittsand) 775107 Murmansk (Klaipeda, Limassol)
Wittsand type 268 01.04.1978 Сириус (Grootsand) 775291 Murmansk (Panama, Limassol)
Wittsand type 270 27.10.1978 Юпитер (Jupiteris, Basilea) 784869 Nakhodka (Murmansk, Belize City, Klaipeda, Limassol, Basel)

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