
Thecla Bodewes Shipyards (Kampen)

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Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
KPT-2500 1с design 282 18.07.2017 Венна Novorossiysk (Aktau)
Non propelled tanker barges 287 11.12.2017 Чемба (Chemba) Novorossiysk (Aktau)
KPT-2500 1с design 283 25.05.2018 Конвенна 99002 Novorossiysk
KPT-2500 1с design 284 14.06.2019 Тривенна (Trewenna) 98827 Novorossiysk (Kampen)
Design Labrax 7280 359 26.04.2023 Vertom Cyta Rotterdam

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Icerunner 3650 design 27.01.2007 Ankie Spijk

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