
DCNS Arsenal de Lorient

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 Lorient DCNS Arsenal de Lorient since 2016
 Lorient STX France Lorient 1993 — 2016
 Lorient Arsenal de Lorient before 1993

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Линейные корабли и броненосцы 20.06.1877 Friedland French Navy
Эскадренные броненосцы 01.07.1909 Mirabeau French Navy
Крейсера броненосные 01.1911 Edgar Quinet French Navy
Courbet type 19.11.1913 Courbet French Navy
Le Corse, проект E50 type 23.04.1953 Le Corse French Navy
Surcouf, проект T47 type 01.11.1955 Surcouf French Navy
Крейсера ПВО 03.09.1956 De Grasse French Navy
Surcouf, проект T47 type 04.05.1957 Maille Breze Nantes (French Navy)
Le Normand, проект E52 type 18.10.1957 Le Basque French Navy
Le Normand, проект E52 type 06.11.1960 Le Provencal French Navy
Suffren type 20.07.1967 Suffren French Navy
Commandant Riviere type 01.02.1970 Balny French Navy
Design F65, тип Aconit 30.03.1973 Aconit French Navy
Tourville, проект F67 type 14.06.1974 Tourville French Navy
Tourville, проект F67 type 17.09.1975 Duguay-Trouin French Navy
Tourville, проект F67 type 01.09.1977 De Grasse French Navy
Design A69 14.03.1984 Commandant Birot French Navy
Design A69 11.05.1984 Commandant Bouan (Commandant Levasseur) French Navy
Tripartite type 19.10.1984 Andromede French Navy
Al Madinah type 04.01.1985 Al Madinah Royal Saudi Navy
Tripartite type 30.05.1985 Pegase French Navy
Tripartite type 01.07.1987 L'Aigle French Navy
La Fayette, France type 19.12.1995 La Fayette French Navy
Tripartite type 02.04.1996 Sagittaire French Navy
Design OPV-64 15.12.1996 Raïs Charkaoui Marine Royale Marocaine
Морские круизные и пассажирские 625 06.11.1998 Clio (Tere Moana, Le Levant) 00316V Valletta (Nassau, Mata-Utu)
Tugs, Pusher tugs 02.1999 Syphax Sfax
Tugs, Pusher tugs 629 04.06.1999 Ibn Rochd 00588R Tunis (La Goulette)
Tugs, Pusher tugs 635 27.10.1999 VB La Heve 00765J Le Havre
Tugs, Pusher tugs 636 27.10.1999 Robuste (Abeille Antifer) 00766K Brest ((France))
Tugs, Pusher tugs 637 17.02.1999 Mistral 7 00767L Marseille
Tugs, Pusher tugs 639 22.12.1999 Mistral 9 00769N Marseille
Tugs, Pusher tugs 642 14.06.2000 VB Gascogne 00990D Le Havre
Tugs, Pusher tugs 644 26.10.2000 V.B. Deauville (Abeille Deauville) 00992F Le Havre
MM49PE design 834 18.06.2009 Kongen (Tidekongen) 28714 Stavanger
MM49PE design 935 01.07.2009 Dronningen (Tidedronningen) 28715 Stavanger
Design FREMM, Aquitaine type 23.11.2012 Aquitaine French Navy
TSHD 839 14.09.2012 St Pierre 19769Q Saint-Nazaire
Design FREMM, Aquitaine type 30.01.2014 Mohammed VI Marine Royale Marocaine
Design FREMM, Aquitaine type 17.03.2016 Tahya Misr (Normandie) Egypt NAVY (French Navy)
Design Gowind-2500 17.03.2017 El Fateh Egypt NAVY
Design FREMM, Aquitaine type 18.07.2018 Bretagne French Navy

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