
Kalaranna AS

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 Tallinn Kalaranna AS since ca. 1992
 Tallin Eesti kolhoosidevaheline laevatehas before ca. 1992
Предприятие создано: 16.03.1947; ликвидировано 04.12.2006

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Fishing vessels 1975 Луч 301631 Sevastopol
Fishing vessels 1986 Räim-3 1F00F34 Tallinn
Fishing vessels 1990 Siig-4 198FH07 Tallinn
Обстановочные и служебно-разъездные суда 1996 Helge (Helga) 196TL10 Tallinn
Fishing boats 1996 Püüton 1 196FJ05 Loksa
Fishing vessels 1997 Riinu 197FK21 Kelnase
Fishing vessels 1997 Räim-6 1F00F28 Tallinn

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