
New England Shipbuilding Company

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 Portland (Oregon) New England Shipbuilding Company since 10.1943
 Portland (Oregon) South Portland Shipbuilding Corp. 1942 — 10.1943
 Portland (Oregon) Todd-Bath Iron Shipbuilding Corp. before 1942
Судоверфь работала в период 1941-1945гг. в двух районах Портленда, западном и восточном.

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Ocean Liberty type 1 03.1942 Newgrove (Theodoros Tsavliris, Free Trader, Claire T, Avismoat, Ocean Liberty) Famagusta / Gazimagusa (London, Piraeus, Monrovia, Cardiff)
Ocean Liberty type 7 05.1942 Bialystok (Ocean Hope) Szczecin (Gdynia, Bristol)
EC2-S-C1 (США), тип Liberty design 230 03.07.1943 Jeremiah O'Brien 4304713 San Francisco (Portland (Maine))
EC2-S-C1 (США), тип Liberty design 3111 14.04.1945 Port-en-Bessin (Islay, William H. Lane) (none) ((USA))

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