
Yangfan Group - Zhejiang East Coast Shipbuilding

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 Zhoushan Yangfan Group - Zhejiang East Coast Shipbuilding since 2006
 Zhoushan Zhejiang East Coast Shipbuilding Co. Ltd before 2006

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Контейнеровозы 2051 04.09.2008 Robin 5 (Austral, Cap Ricarda, Maersk Jambi) G112685 Monrovia
Design SDARI PCTC 4900/5000 2087 18.09.2012 Viking Passero (Passero) 114815 Majuro (Rostock, Gibraltar)
Mathilde Schulte type 23H-BS09 09.08.2017 Mimmi Schulte Singapore
Mathilde Schulte type 23H-BS12 09.2019 Mandalay Singapore

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