
Greenport Yacht & Shipbuilding Company

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 Greenport Greenport Yacht & Shipbuilding Company since ????
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Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
YMS type 25.01.1943 Т-595 (YMS184) USSR Navy (United States Navy)
PCS type 21.07.1944 СБР-124 (Т-190, YMS455, PCS1408) USSR Navy (United States Navy)
YMS type 21.08.1944 Т-191 (YMS456, PCS1409) USSR Navy (United States Navy)
YMS type 13.09.1944 ВМ-77 (Т-182, YMS457, PCS1410) USSR Navy (United States Navy)

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