
Cowpen Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Company

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 Blyth Cowpen Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Company since 11.1926
 Blyth Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Company Ltd. 02.03.1883 — 11.1926
 Blyth Hodgson and Soulsby 1863 — 02.03.1883
 Blyth Beaumont and Drummond 1840 — 1863
 Blyth Shipyard of Blyth before 1840
образована в 1811г.
закрыта в 1967г.

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Hopper barges 1880 Володарск (Сергиево) Leningrad ((Russian Empire))
Hopper barges 1880 Лигово Petrograd ((Russian Empire))
Сухогрузные пароходы 66 08.1889 Gurre (Fagerli, Mango, Sixtyfour, Crimea) Bergen (Langesund, Newport)
Cargo steamers 87 03.1894 Граф Литке (Corbridge) Arkhangelsk (Newcastle)
Сухогрузные пароходы 11.1898 Зигридь Riga
Сухогрузные пароходы 99 08.1899 Кримулда (Krimulda, Комиссар, Генерал Драгомиров, Somerford) Riga (Petrograd, Sunderland)
Сухогрузные пароходы 126 03.1906 Kiensing (Anna T, Sf. Nicolae, Auratan, Blairholm, Korsholm, San Giacomo, Александр Камбуров) Shanghai (Piraeus, Galati, Glasgow, Aalborg, Rouen, Odessa)
General cargo 350 12.1950 Jaroslaw Dabrowski Gdynia
Tankers 379 01.05.1961 Necom (Mare Glaciale, Pass of Melfort) Naples (Rome, Genova, Cagliari, London)

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