
James Lamont & Co

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 Glasgow James Lamont & Co since 1947
 Glasgow Clyde Shipbuilding & Eingineering Co. 1900 — 1947
 Glasgow Blackwood & Gordon before 1900

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Рефрижераторные пароходы 311 12.1914 Днепр (Miltonstar, Brodhurst, Yula) Magadan (Nevelsk, USSR Navy, Vladivostok, Odessa, London, Liverpool)
Теплоходы грузовые 400 01.07.1964 Paclog Goliath (Goliath, Happy Pioneer, Harbo, Sir Joseph Rawlinson) (unknown port) (Panama)
Буксиры, толкачи, буксиры-толкачи 414 01.1972 Mikela I (MS Vitorin, Lady Vera) Valletta (Panama, Grimsby)

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