Length overall: 35,78 m
Extrem breadth: 6,06 m
Depth: 1,10 m
Main engine type: 2 db 6 hengeres IFA
Output of main engine: 2 x 103 kW
История имён и владельцев:
1964-SPUTNIK, VEB Kraftverkehr, Wittenberg, DE
1973-SACROW, Weise Flotte, Potsdam, DE
1993-INSEL USEDOM, Peene Reederei, DE
1998-STADT BARTH, Hanse Reederei, DE
2003-VISURGIS, unkown owner
2006-VISURGIS, Duna Weser Kft., Budapest, HU
2007-RUBIN, Rubinhajó Bt., Budapest, HU
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.