РТ-600 type, 1741АМ design
Table of vessels of project
Order by: Date of Built · Place of Built · Year and Place of Built · Modification · Last Name · First Name · Editor's order
Yard Nr | Built | Name | Date | Port |
340 | 14.09.1991 | Vetar | 2015 | Nizhny Novgorod |
09.2005 | Дзержинск |
Fyodor Nayanov | 04.2003 | Moscow |
10.2001 |
05.1999 |
01.1992 | Taganrog |
| Ростов-на-Дону |
341 | 14.09.1991 | Bayker | 2015 | Nizhny Novgorod |
09.2005 | Moscow |
Donat Barachevskiy | 04.2003 |
10.2001 |
05.1999 |
01.1992 | Taganrog |
| Ростов-на-Дону |
345 | 1992 | Libava | ≤ 05.2024 | Moscow |
04.2024 | Astrakhan |
Ozyornyi-801 | 2015 | Nizhny Novgorod |
12.2006 | Moscow |
RT-801 | 07.2003 |
08.2002 | Rostov-on-Don |
07.1994 |
| (Russia) |
346 | 1992 | (Str.№ 346) | | (other port) |
349 | 1992 | Lepard | 03.2023 | Taganrog |
2022 |
02.2020 | Rostov-on-Don |
≈ 2016 |
2012 |
06.2009 | Moscow |
06.2008 | Novorossiysk |
04.2003 | Astrakhan |
03.1998 | Limassol |
Fils | 16.09.1996 | Taganrog |
01.1994 | Rostov-on-Don |
350 | 1992 | Musson | ≈ 2016 | Novorossiysk |
04.2012 | Astrakhan |
10.2009 | Novorossiysk |
06.2006 | Astrakhan |
09.2003 | Moscow |
mid 1990s | (Ukraine) |
Gron | | Rostov-on-Don |
351 | 1992 | Yurmala | 2024 | Moscow |
05.2013 | Novorossiysk |
07.2003 | Astrakhan |
Ebs | 08.2002 |
Ibbs | 07.1994 | Izmail |
| Rostov-on-Don |
352 | 1992 | (Str.№ 352) | | (unknown port) |
344 | 24.09.1992 | Revel | 02.2024 | Moscow |
Ozyorniy-802 | ≈ 2014 | Nizhny Novgorod |
Ozyornyi-802 | 12.2006 | Moscow |
RT-802 | 07.2003 |
08.2002 |
≤ 2000 |
07.1994 | Rostov-on-Don |
| (Russia) |
| 1993 | Altair | | Rostov-on-Don |
| 1993 | Antares | | Rostov-on-Don |
| 1993 | Attill | ???? | Giurgiulesti |
≤ 03.2014 | Minsk |
???? | Giurgiulesti |
Antares | ???? | Taganrog |
Attill | ???? | Limassol |
Altair | | Izmail |
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