

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Home Port:Blagoveshchensk  
Vessel's data are collecting.

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 РТ-659   ·  РТ-600 type, 1741 design, Khabarovsk
 РТ-682   ·  РТ-600 type, 1741 design, Khabarovsk
БПУ-3  ·  1430 design, Khabarovsk
 Москва-161   ·  Москва type, design Р-51Э, Khabarovsk
 Жемчуг   ·  Москвич (М, С, Т, ПТ) type, 544 design, Khabarovsk
 МП-203   ·  183 (всех модификаций) type, 183В, 183ВМ design, Khabarovsk

Река Амур
Амурская область, Благовещенск
Затон им Ленина

August 25, 2020
Author: wh66

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