
Kuzey Star 2

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Floating docks
Home Port:Tuzla  
Current state: Operating 
г/п 22000 т
длина — 217,50 м
ширина принимаемого судна — 36,20 м
осадка принимаемого судна — 7,50 м

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590 KB

 San Sebastian   ·  Kraslava type, Naples
 Krisjanis Valdemars   ·  Kraslava type, Majuro
MiscellaneousElements and details

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Kuzey Star Shipyard"

August 18, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

524 KB

 Usma   ·  Ance type, Majuro
Elandra Fjord  ·  Design Hyundai 51K PC, Mersini, Majuro

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла

July 27, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

503 KB

 Krisjanis Valdemars   ·  Kraslava type, Majuro
 San Felix   ·  Kraslava type, Naples

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Kuzey Star Shipyard"

July 25, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

Pictures displayed: 3 from 3

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