UBC Tarragona
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
| Registry | Port |
03.2020 | DNV | Limassol |
09.2013 | DNV-GL |
| GL |
Class: | UBC Tampico |
Builder: | Saiki Heavy Industries Saiki |
Yard number: | SH-1181 |
Keel laid: | 04.12.2008 |
Launched: | 22.09.2009 |
Built: | 12.11.2009 |
Home Port: | Limassol |
IMO: | 9416719 |
Registry: | DNV |
Registry number: | G113987 |
Registry class: | I✠I 100 A5 Multi-purpose dry cargo ship DBC SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 G Holds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) may be empty IW Strengthened for heavy cargo ✠ MC EP-D |
Call sign: | 5BWR2 |
MMSI: | 209017000 |
Current state: | Operating |
Secondary photos: hide / show |
Река Миссисипи США, штат Луизиана, Давант
July 9, 2021 Author: Евгений 10
Река Миссисипи США, штат Луизиана, Давант
July 8, 2021 Author: Евгений 10
Река Миссисипи США, штат Луизиана, Давант
July 6, 2021 Author: Евгений 10
Name: | UBC Tarragona |
Class: | UBC Tampico |
Builder: | Saiki Heavy Industries Saiki |
Yard number: | SH-1181 |
Built: | 12.11.2009 |
Home Port: | Limassol |
Registry: | DNV |
Registry number: | G113987 |
Registry class: | I✠I 100 A5 Multi-purpose dry cargo ship DBC SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 G Holds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) may be empty IW Strengthened for heavy cargo ✠ MC EP-D |
Call sign: | 5BWR2 |
MMSI: | 209017000 |
Registry data changed March 2020 | ↑ |
Name: | UBC Tarragona |
Class: | UBC Tampico |
Builder: | Saiki Heavy Industries Saiki |
Yard number: | SH-1181 |
Built: | 12.11.2009 |
Home Port: | Limassol |
Registry: | DNV-GL |
Registry number: | G113987 |
Registry class: | I✠I 100 A5 Multi-purpose dry cargo ship DBC SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 G Holds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) may be empty IW Strengthened for heavy cargo ✠ MC EP-D |
Call sign: | 5BWR2 |
MMSI: | 209017000 |
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No photos during this period
Name: | UBC Tarragona |
Class: | UBC Tampico |
Builder: | Saiki Heavy Industries Saiki |
Yard number: | SH-1181 |
Built: | 12.11.2009 |
Home Port: | Limassol |
Registry: | DNV-GL |
Registry number: | G113987 |
Registry class: | I✠I 100 A5 Multi-purpose dry cargo ship DBC SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 G Holds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) may be empty IW Strengthened for heavy cargo ✠ MC EP-D |
Call sign: | 5BWR2 |
MMSI: | 209017000 |
Registry data changed September 2013 | ↑ |
Name: | UBC Tarragona |
Class: | UBC Tampico |
Builder: | Saiki Heavy Industries Saiki |
Yard number: | SH-1181 |
Built: | 12.11.2009 |
Home Port: | Limassol |
Registry: | GL |
Registry number: | 113987 |
Registry class: | I✠I 100 A5 Multi-purpose dry cargo ship DBC SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 G Holds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) may be empty IW Strengthened for heavy cargo ✠ MC EP-D |
Call sign: | 5BWR2 |
MMSI: | 209017000 |
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