
Земснаряд №2

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Home Port:Saint Petersburg  
Current state: Operating 

This vessel has no primary photos
450 KB

НШ-29  ·  Design НШ-58, Saint Petersburg
 Севастополь   ·  Design 1439, Molniya, Saint Petersburg
Земснаряд №3  ·  Dredgers, Saint Petersburg
 ЗМ-4   ·  17190 design, Saint Petersburg
ЗМ-5  ·  Bucket-Ladder Dredgers, Saint Petersburg
MiscellaneousUnidentified shipsРоссия — Северодвинский / Северо-Западный / Беломорско-Онежский / Печорский бассейн

Река Охта
РЭБ ГУП Ленводхоз

Ближайшая шаланда слева — "НШ-29".
Вдали виднеются буксир "Севастополь", Земснаряды №№2 и 3, ЗМ-4 и ЗМ-5

December 18, 2011
Author: kifir239

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