Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Name | | Registry | Port |
Экватор | 1992 | РКО (РРР до 2022) | Moscow |
09.1967 | РР РСФСР | Москва |
ОМ-402 | ≈ 1965 | Дуденево |
ОМ-126 | |
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СТ-26 · СТ-300 type, 912В design, Moscow
Река Москва, «Городской бьеф» Москва, Нагатино Нагатинская набережная
June 3, 2000 Author: Monmouth
No photos during this period
Отважный · ОМ type, 780, 780-03, 780-03-1570 design, Москва Антарес · ОМ type, 780, 780-03, 780-03-1570 design, Москва
Река Ока, Гребневский канал Горьковская область, Горький 1 км
1986 Author: NWO
No photos during this period
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