
Hong Fu

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Design:SDARI 76
Builder:JSG Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co.Ltd / Jiangnan Changxing   Shanghai
Yard number:H2430
Home Port:Hong Kong  
Registry number:09D0002
Registry class:★CSA BC-A (Holds Nos. 2 ,4 & 6 may be Empty);COMPASS (D);ESP;Grab (20);Loading Computer (S, I, G);Strengthened for Heavy Cargoes
Call sign:VRFX7
Current state: Operating 
Gross Tonnage: 40,896 т.
Net Tonnage: 25,825 т.
Deadweight: 76,402 т.

Длина: 225,0 м.
Ширина: 32,6 м.
Осадка: 14,2 м.
Скорость: 14,5 уз.

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Река Тежу
Португалия, Лиссабон

May 5, 2014
Author: Любитель

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