Sein Phoenix
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Name | | Registry | Port |
Sein Phoenix | 06.2019 | BV | Jeju |
Bay Phoenix | 02.2019 | NKK | Panama |
03.2012 | Monrovia |
Summer Phoenix | 04.2008 |
07.2007 | Willemstad |
01.2001 | London |
Spring Phoenix | 1999 | Monrovia |
Windward Phoenix | | Panama |
Class: | Amber Cherry |
Builder: | Shin Kochi Jyuko Cö. Ltd. Kochi |
Yard number: | 7032 |
Keel laid: | 17.02.1993 |
Launched: | 18.06.1993 |
Built: | 30.11.1993 |
Home Port: | Jeju  |
IMO: | 9047271 |
Registry: | BV |
Registry number: | 26025Q |
Registry class: | I✠Hull✠Mach Refrigerated cargo ship |
Call sign: | D8SP |
Current state: | Operating |
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Атлантический океан, Столовая бухта ЮАР, Кейптаун Порт Кейптаун, бассейн ДУНКАН
December 11, 2022 Author: Botsmanmat
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Чёрное море, Одесский залив Одесса Одесский морской торговый порт, Каботажная гавань, причал №23
September 11, 2011 Author: Bull
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