
Bogacay IX

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Design:RAmparts 2400SX
Builder:Sanmar Denizcilik Makina Ve Ticaret AS   İstanbul
Yard number:36
Keel laid:20.11.2010
Home Port:İstanbul  
Registry number:15253109
Registry class:✠A1, Towing Vessel, Fire Fighting Vessel Class 1, ✠AMS, ✠ABCU
Call sign:TCA3610
Current state: Operating 
Gross Tonnage: 312 т.
Deadweight: 108 т.
Длина: 24 м.
Ширина: 11 м.
Осадка: 4,5 м.

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338 KB

Bogacay VIII  ·  Design RAmparts 2400SX, İstanbul
 Леди Лейла   ·  RST27, RST27M type, RST27 design, Taganrog
Sanmar Camadan  ·  Pilot boats, İstanbul

Эгейское море
Турция, Алиага
Нефтеналивной терминал "Petkim Petrokimya"

March 25, 2017
Author: Ars

398 KB

Bogacay VIII  ·  Design RAmparts 2400SX, İstanbul

Эгейское море
Турция, Алиага
Нефтеналивной терминал "Petkim Petrokimya"

March 24, 2017
Author: Ars

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