FleetPhoto |
V.B. Furia
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
| Registry | Port |
09.2013 | DNV-GL | Valencia |
| GL |
Class: | Буксиры-кантовщики |
Builder: | Union Naval de Levante S.A. Valencia |
Yard number: | C-375 |
Keel laid: | 30.12.2004 |
Launched: | 27.05.2005 |
Built: | 29.07.2005 |
Home Port: | Valencia  |
IMO: | 9306897 |
Registry: | DNV-GL |
Registry number: | G111684 |
Registry class: | ✠100 A5 Not suitable f. products with flash-point 60 deg. C and less Oil recovery vessel Tug ✠MC AUT FF(1) |
Call sign: | ECIL |
MMSI: | 224161160 |
Current state: | Operating |
Грузоподъёмность: 211 т
Gross Tonnage: 395 т
Net Tonnage: 119 т
Длинна (Loa): 29,5 м
Длинна (Lbp): 27,7 м
Ширина: 11 m
Осадка: 5,6 m
Высота борта: 6,4 м
Макс. скорость: 12,5 уз
Тип ГД: Diesel
Производитель ГД: Deutz
Модель ГД: SBV9M628
Количество ГД: 2х
Мощность (кВт/л.с.): 4050/5506
Об./мин.: 1000 rpm |
Secondary photos: hide / show |
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