
Предприятие п/я В-8669

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Country: USSR  

п.Додоново Железногорского р-она Красноярского края

List of vessels owned by this entity (1)

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Design 258 1961 320 080257 Dodonovo (Krasnoyarsk)
Design 258 1963 309 080338 Dodonovo (Krasnoyarsk)
Design ЛБК-020 (47-03) 1963 324 080329 Dodonovo (Krasnoyarsk)
Design ЛБК-020 (47-03) 1964 325 080415 Dodonovo (Krasnoyarsk)

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