
Subic Shipyard / HHIC-Phil. Inc.

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City: Sitio Agusuhin  


Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Hanjin 4350 design P0012 30.11.2009 ZIM Ukrayina G130308 Monrovia
Hanjin 4350 design 002 07.01.2009 Matson Hawaii (CMA CGM Turquoise) Monrovia
Hanjin 4350 design 011 28.10.2009 MSC Acapulco (MP The Law, Benito, ZIM Moskva) Madeira (Monrovia)
Tankers 013 08.01.2010 Evren (Afra Royal, Leyla-K) İstanbul (Valletta, Majuro)
Tankers P0060 04.07.2011 White Moon (Broadway) 16128 Monrovia (Singapore)
Hanjin 180BC design 063 09.09.2011 Star Borealis 32710G Majuro
Tankers PO-059 01.05.2012 Brightway Singapore
Hanjin 6600 design PN-082 29.07.2013 Tokyo Bay (Cap Arnauti) 133131 Monrovia
Hanjin 6600 design PN-084 2014 Cardiff (Cap Aguilar) 140024 Monrovia
Hanjin 5400 design P0087 17.01.2014 Charlotte Schulte 32849 Singapore
Hanjin 5400 design P0104 03.06.2014 Wide Alpha 33422 Majuro
Design Hanjin 3800 P0077 11.07.2014 Livorno Express (MOL Nabila, Believer) Hong Kong ((none))
Design Hanjin 3800 P0081 14.08.2014 Barcelona Express (MOL Nala, Perceiver) G116709 Hong Kong ((none))
Hanjin 5400 design P0107 11.09.2014 Maersk Indus (Wide Delta) Majuro ((unknown port))
Hanjin 5400 design P0108 02.10.2014 Maersk Euphrates (Wide Echo) Majuro ((unknown port))
Hanjin 5400 design P0109 24.11.2014 Maersk Danube (Maersk Nile, Wide Foxtrot) Singapore (Majuro, (none))
Hanjin 5400 design 088 04.04.2014 Christa Schulte Singapore
Hanjin 5400 design 089 18.04.2014 Clemens Schulte Singapore
Hanjin 6600 design 95 30.10.2014 Paxi (CCNI Iquique) Monrovia ((none))
Hanjin 5400 design 110 16.12.2014 Maersk Ganges (Maersk Tigris, Wide Golf) 30343J Singapore
Hanjin 6600 design P0098 24.02.2015 Olivia I (UASC Yas, Olivia) Majuro ((none))
Контейнеровозы 123 12.06.2015 UASC Al Khor G117863 Monrovia
Hanjin 11000 design HHIC_PHIL_116 18.04.2017 Cape Sounio G117914 Valletta
Контейнеровозы P0151 09.10.2018 CMA CGM Louis Bleriot 29378K Valletta
Tankers 165 14.01.2019 Caspian Sea 19272314 Monrovia

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