
Mokpo Shipbuilding & Engineering

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City: Mokpo  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Fishing vessels 115 25.08.1988 Бекас (Островной-10, Кречет, SK No.9, West Bay No.28, Acacia No.9, Oryong No.321) Kholmsk (Pusan (Busan), Busan Metropolitan City, (none))
Tankers IH95-59 13.06.1996 Chetthanabodi 5 (Taekyung Yono, Champion, Eastern Dandy, Royal Topaz, Seun) Bangkok (Pusan (Busan), Busan Metropolitan City)
Tankers 99-93 23.04.2001 Transko Aquila (Sichem Colibri, Colibri) (Indonesia) (Valletta, Madeira, Singapore)
Tankers 5229 10.09.2002 Alfa Italia 23803 Nassau
General cargo MS05-170 12.01.2007 Aquila 0761245 Jeju (Panama)
Tankers IH06-136 08.10.2007 Seongho Galaxy 0762794 Jeju
Tankers IH06-138 16.10.2008 Seongho Pioce 0865319 Jeju
Tankers IH07-140 19.06.2009 Seongho Ace 0966737 Jeju
Tankers MS07-185 22.06.2009 Woolim Dragon 7 0967043 Jeju
Conoship MPV 14000 / KMS 2007-S008 design 07-189 09.10.2009 Arklow Manor 12640R Arklow
Conoship MPV 14000 / KMS 2007-S008 design 07-190 28.01.2010 Arklow Marsh 12641S Arklow
Conoship MPV 14000 / KMS 2007-S008 design 07-192 15.09.2010 Arklow Meadow 12643U Arklow
Tankers MS07-187 07.01.2011 Doola No.7 (Woolim Dragon) 1171627 Pusan (Busan), Busan Metropolitan City (Jeju)
Conoship MPV 14000 / KMS 2007-S008 design 08-199 16.12.2011 Arklow Moor 15276G Arklow

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