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Неопознанное судно - тип ПТС-150, проект 697
This is not a page for any specific vessel. Below are the photos of different vessels of the same design, which had not been identified (at least, by the name) when uploading. If you have information about any vessel on these photos, please leave a comment under it. |
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Лыткарино · Шестая пятилетка type, 576 design, Nizhny Novgorod РГХ 00-46 · Design 371, 371бис, 371У (03712), 03713, 03714, Admiralteets, Gorodets Miscellaneous — Unidentified ships — Russia - Volga Basin
Река Санахта, Горьковское водохранилище Нижегородская область, Чкаловск Причал Чкаловской судоверфи
April 30, 2021 Author: Павел Феклистов
Pictures displayed: 4 from 4