
ART FD Handymax

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Floating docks
Home Port:Tuzla  
Current state: Operating 
г/п 13500t
Длина стапеля: 180 м
Ширина стапеля: 35.5 м
Краны: 2 x 20т

Secondary photos: hide / show
486 KB

ASL Luna  ·  Bulkers, Majuro
MiscellaneousUnidentified shipsTurkey

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла

September 17, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

675 KB

Ivs Knot  ·  Kanda 32 design, Majuro
MiscellaneousElements and details

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

September 10, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

485 KB

Ivs Knot  ·  Kanda 32 design, Majuro

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла

September 10, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

661 KB

Parana Warrior  ·  Imabari 28 design, Monrovia
MiscellaneousElements and details

(вне водоёма)
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

August 17, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

495 KB

Doga 1  ·  Floating cranes, (Turkey)

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

July 27, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

618 KB

 Peonia   ·  High Progress type, Valletta

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

July 27, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

767 KB

Portola  ·  Tankers, Majuro
MiscellaneousElements and details

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

July 23, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

698 KB

Sunny Star  ·  Tankers, Majuro
MiscellaneousElements and details

Мраморное море
Турция, Тузла
Судоверфь "Art Shipyard"

July 13, 2020
Author: Павел Емельянов

Pictures displayed: 8 from 8

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