

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Обстановочные и служебно-разъездные суда
Home Port:Klaipeda  
Current state: Operating 

This vessel has no primary photos
522 KB

Beta  ·  Bilge cleaning stations, Bunkering vessels, Klaipeda
 Midia   ·  Design 5570/Midia (Romania), Moroni
 Baltic Digger   ·  Dredgers, Tallinn
Omega  ·  Tankers, Klaipeda

Куршский залив, устье речки Смильтяле
Литва, Клайпеда
Клайпедский морской рыбный порт, причалы бывшего рыбколхоза "Балтия"

December 30, 2022
Author: 3 X

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