FleetPhoto |
Неопознанный корабль - тип Dragen/Glenten
This is not a page for any specific vessel. Below are the photos of different vessels of the same design, which had not been identified (at least, by the name) when uploading. If you have information about any vessel on these photos, please leave a comment under it. |
Class: | Миноносцы и эскадренные миноносцы |
Builder: | Naval Dockyard |
Home Port: |  |
Серия из 6-ти торпедоносцев датских ВМС
T1 DRAGEN 02/05/1941
T2 HVALEN 06/13/1930
T3 LAXEN 11/28/1930
T4 GLENTEN 01/06/1933
T5 HØGEN 10/20/1933
T6 ØRNEN 10/19/1934 |