
Cornelis Lensen

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Cargo steamers
Home Port:London  
Current state: Sunken or/and abandoned 
"Ubbergen" — built by Irvine's Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Ltd., West Hartlepool | 1912 transferred to Furness Scheepvaart & Agentuur Mij., 1917-1919 transferred to British flag 1919 transferred to ZHSM, 1925 sold to D/S A/S Ruth, Norway renamed Ingrid, 1932 sold to Skibs A/S Morild, Oslo renamed Merok, 1934 sold to A.C. Lensen, London renamed Cornelis Lensen, 1937 sold to Max Faulbaum Steamship Line renamed Rolfs Faulbaums, 1940 renamed Makki Faulbaums, 12th February 1944 torpedoed and sunk by British submarine HMS STUBBORN near Namsos.

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