
Classification Societies

ARS (Aegean) Aegean Register of Shipping List of the vessels
ARS Albanian Register of Shipping List of the vessels
ARS (Alfa) Alfa Register of Shipping List of the vessels
ABS American Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
ACS Asia Classification Services List of the vessels
ASCS Asia Shipping Certification Services List of the vessels
ACB Associated Consultants Bureau Ltd List of the vessels
BR Båtregister List of the vessels
BMB Belize Maritime Bureau Inc List of the vessels
BRC Belize Register Corporation List of the vessels
BKI Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia List of the vessels
BBS Black Sea Bureau Of Shipping List of the vessels
RBNA Brazilian Register of Shipping List of the vessels
BC Bureau Colombo BR List of the vessels
BV Bureau Veritas List of the vessels
Capital RS Capital Register of Shipping List of the vessels
CCS China Classification Society List of the vessels
CCRS China Corporation Register of Shipping List of the vessels
CAR Columbus American Register S.A. List of the vessels
Conarina Conarina Group List of the vessels
CMB Cosmos Marine Bureau Inc. List of the vessels
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping List of the vessels
CBS Cyprus Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
DISR Danish International Ship Register List of the vessels
DNV Det Norske Veritas List of the vessels
DNV-GL Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd List of the vessels
DSRK Deutsche Schiffsrevision und Schiffsklassifikation (ГДР) List of the vessels
DBS Dromon Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
ELR Eesti Laevaregister List of the vessels
ERS Egyptian Register of Shipping List of the vessels
TASNEEF Emirates Classification TASNEEF List of the vessels
ENI European Number of Identification List of the vessels
FMA Finnish Maritime Administration List of the vessels
GV Georgian Veritas List of the vessels
GL Germanischer Lloyd List of the vessels
GMB Global Marine Bureau List of the vessels
GSB Global Shipping Bureau List of the vessels
GBS Guardian Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
HR Hajoregiszter List of the vessels
HNBS Hellas Naval Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
HRS Hellenic Register of Shipping List of the vessels
IRS Indian Register of Shipping List of the vessels
INCLAMAR Inspeccion y Clasificacion Maritima List of the vessels
IM Intermarine List of the vessels
ICS Class Intermaritime Certification Services List of the vessels
IMI International Maritime Inspection List of the vessels
INSB International Naval Surveys Bureau List of the vessels
IS International Register of Shipping List of the vessels
ISClass International Ship Classification List of the vessels
IrCS Iranian Classification Society List of the vessels
IBS Isthmus Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
JRB Jugoslavenski Register Brodova List of the vessels
KCS Korea Classification Society List of the vessels
KSSTA Korea Ship Safety Technology Authority List of the vessels
KRS Korean Register of Shipping List of the vessels
LMA Latvian Maritime Administration List of the vessels
LISCR Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry List of the vessels
LMS Limdal Marine Services List of the vessels
LTSA Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration List of the vessels
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping List of the vessels
MC Macosnar Corporation List of the vessels
MBA Maritime Bureau of Africa List of the vessels
MBS Maritime Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
MLG Maritime Lloyd Georgia List of the vessels
MSR Mediterranean Shipping Register List of the vessels
NASHA National Shipping Adjusters List of the vessels
NU New United International Marine Services Ltd List of the vessels
NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai List of the vessels
NIS Norwegian International Ship Register List of the vessels
NCS Novel Classification Society S.A. List of the vessels
OMCS Overseas Marine Certification Services List of the vessels
PMDS Panama Maritime Documentation Services List of the vessels
PSR Panama Shipping Registrar Inc List of the vessels
PLR Perinnelaivarekisteri List of the vessels
PhRS Phoenix Register of Shipping List of the vessels
PRS Polski Rejestr Statków List of the vessels
QRS Qualitas Register of Shipping List of the vessels
RCB Registro Cubano de Buques List of the vessels
RINAVE Registro Internacional Naval List of the vessels
RINA Registro Italiano Navale List of the vessels
RME Registro Marítimo Español List of the vessels
RNR Registrul Naval Roman List of the vessels
SRS Shipping Registry Switzerland List of the vessels
SCM Ships Classification Malaysia List of the vessels
SI Siglingastofnun Íslands List of the vessels
SL Sing-Lloyd List of the vessels
SCI SingClass International List of the vessels
SKANReg St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry List of the vessels
SPS Státní Plavební Správa List of the vessels
SMA Swedish Maritime Administration List of the vessels
TL Turk Loydu List of the vessels
UBS Union Bureau of Shipping List of the vessels
UMCS Union Marine Classification Society List of the vessels
USCG United States Coast Guard List of the vessels
UMB Universal Maritime Bureau Ltd List of the vessels
VGRS Vega Register Inc. List of the vessels
VRS Venezuelan Register of Shipping List of the vessels
VRSC Veritas Register of Shipping List of the vessels
VR Vietnam Register (Dang Kiem Viet Nam) List of the vessels
ZC Zianlian Chuen List of the vessels
БИРР Белорусская инспекция Речного Регистра List of the vessels
БКР (BRS) Български Корабен Регистър (Bulgarian Register of Shipping) List of the vessels
ГИМС Государственная инспекция по маломерным судам List of the vessels
МПС / РР Министерство путей сообщения (1885-1913) / Русский Регистр (1913-1918) List of the vessels
МРСС Морской регистр СССР (1939-1953) List of the vessels
РСУ Регістр судноплавства України List of the vessels
РРФ БССР Регистр речного флота БССР List of the vessels
РСССР Регистр СССР (1923-1939, 1957-1992) List of the vessels
РС РК Регистр судоходства Республики Казахстан List of the vessels
РР РСФСР Речной Регистр РСФСР (1957-1992) List of the vessels
РР УССР Речной Регистр УССР List of the vessels
РМРС Российский морской регистр судоходства (с 1992) List of the vessels
РКО (РРР до 2022) Российское классификационное общество List of the vessels