

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Builder:Karstensen Shipyard Poland Sp. z o.o.   Gdansk
Yard number:472
Home Port:(Norway)  
Registry class:✠ 1A Stern Trawler E0 Ice-C​
Call sign:LHBV
Current state: New — has not been put in operation yet 

Secondary photos (3): hide / show
643 KB

Maja  ·  1520, тип Богатырь design, Gdynia

Река Мартва Висла
Польша, Гданьск

June 1, 2023
Author: Vital

646 KB

Żubr  ·  Nosorozec type, Gdansk

Река Мартва Висла
Польша, Гданьск

May 26, 2023
Author: Vital

680 KB

Nanook  ·  Salvage vessels, (Norway)
Bóbr  ·  БК-600 (проект 737К, Л, М, П) type, 737М design, Gdansk
Nosorożec G-02  ·  Nosorozec type, Gdansk
Bestla  ·  Tugs, Pusher tugs, Hanstholm
Polarbris  ·  Trawlers, Aalesund

Река Мартва Висла
Польша, Гданьск
Stocznia Gdańska

"NANOOK" на выход из плавдока Baltic Dock.
На заднем плане достройка рыболовных судов на верфи Karstensen Shipyard Poland

May 25, 2023
Author: Vital

653 KB

 Nordsøen   ·  Salvage vessels, Esbjerg
Tomcio  ·  Tugs, Pusher tugs, Gdansk
Nosorożec G-02  ·  Nosorozec type, Gdansk
Polarbris  ·  Trawlers, Aalesund

Река Мартва Висла
Польша, Гданьск
Stocznia Gdańska

May 10, 2023
Author: Vital

Pictures displayed: 4 from 4

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