
Kaiho Maru No.12

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Fishing vessels
Home Port:(Japan)  
Current state: Operating 

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WaterwaysWater Paths InfrastructureLighthouses

Тихий океан, Токийский залив
Япония, Иокогама
Маяк Восточного волнолома Дайкоку (Yokohama Daikoku Breakwater east Lighthouse)

Маяк Восточного волнолома Дайкоку (Yokohama Daikoku Breakwater east Lighthouse) — Маяк на оконечности восточного мола Дайкоку — части порта Иокогама с характеристикой огня:
Type of Flashing: Flashing (Fl)
Number of Flashes: 1
Light Color: Green / G
Interval of Flashing: 4s
Focal Height: 16m

June 25, 2023
Author: Broughton

Pictures displayed: 1 from 1

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